Desværre kunne det ikke lade sig gøre. Den lokale afdeling af Dokumentationscentret for racediskrimination mente, at en offentlig eftersøgning kunne medføre race-uroligheder.
Den eftersøgte er nemlig fra Afghanistan, og som sådan åbenbart hævet over loven.
Telegraph skriver bl.a.:
A police force withdrew plans for a televised appeal to help catch an Afghan suspected of sexually assaulting women after a race watchdog warned that it might spark a violent backlash.
The decision to cancel the appeal was criticised by victim support organisations. Yvonne Traynor, of the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, said the case set a dangerous precedent.
"I think that everybody is so afraid of being labelled a racist that no one's taking into consideration the crimes that have allegedly been committed here," she said.
"The fact that this man was originally from Afghanistan is beside the point. The police obviously need to be sensitive to issues of race, but they also need to be able to get on with their jobs."
Den "Race Watchdog" artiklen taler om er Devon Racial Equality Council, som siger:
Sonia Francis-Mills, the director of the Devon Racial Equality Council, said police officers had been angered when she asked them to withdraw from Manhunt, which profiled 10 of the country's most wanted criminals.
"I don't think they were happy," she said. "In the end it had to go to the Chief Constable to make the decision. I think the police often just want to feel collars.
"De ønsker ofte blot at arrestere folk!" Tja, man kan jo sige, at det er politiets arbejde, men den slags argumenter bider ikke på de gode folk i DRC. Tværtimod føler man sig som ligeværdig partner med politiet:
"If they had contacted us earlier we may have been able to help track him down through people within the community."
Den mistænkte hedder Noorullah Seddiqi og menes at arbejde som taxachauffør i Sydengland. De fire ofre blev alle overfaldet i en taxa sent om natten. Siddiqi blev lødsladt mod kaution sidste efterår og er ikke set siden.
Heller ikke på tv.

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