Politisk Korrekthed, eller Kafka møder Dario Fo. En ung pige i England fik afslag på et offentligt studenterjob fordi hun er hvid og englænder.
Daily Mail skriver: (H/t: Gates of Vienna)
A teenage science student has been banned from applying for a training programme with the Environment Agency because she is white and English.
The recruitment agency handling the scheme told Abigail Howarth, 18, that there was no point in her submitting an application because of her ethnic background.
But bizarrely she could have applied if she had been white and Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
Her er jobannoncen:

Man vil bemærke, at annoncen ikke nævner engelske englændere, som derfor allerede i udgangspunktet er sorteret fra.
PATH National's organisational development manager, Mary McDowell, said: "The "White Welsh", "White Irish" and "White Scottish" is a technicality in law - if they are a minority, they are entitled to places on these schemes - they are not part of the majority group, which is "White English".
"The "White English" in this area are the majority group and hence could not apply.
Så med andre ord, hvis man er så uheldig at bo i et område, hvor den oprindelige befolkning stadig er i flertal, kan man godt glemme alt om at få et offentligt betalt job. En waliser eller en skotte vil komme i første række alene på grund af sin etniske oprindelse.
Et undertrykt folk har altid ret! Medmindre man er "hvid".
I så fald har man aldrig ret.