Lad mig straks sige, at jeg er fuldt ud tilhænger af den frie abort. En kvinde skal ikke tvinges til at have et barn, hvis hun ikke selv synes hun er klar til at tage sig af, eller hvis uheldet har været ude. Et kondom kan for eksempel gå stykker. Jeg synes det danske system er udmærket, hvor aborten er fri til og med den 12. uge, herefter bliver det væsentligt sværere at få foretaget indgrebet.
dette er alligevel uhyggeligt. En ung pige i USA fik foretaget en abort da hun var 23 uger henne. Det levedygtige barn blev lagt i en plastikpose og kylet ud.
According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.
What Williams [moderen] and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.
Og for det skal være løgn blev liget fundet i en papkasse en uge senere:
Police recovered the decomposing remains in a cardboard box a week later after getting anonymous tips.
At 23 weeks, an otherwise healthy fetus would have a slim but legitimate chance of survival. Quadruplets born at 23 weeks last year at The Nebraska Medical Center survived.
An autopsy determined Williams' baby - she named her Shanice - had filled her lungs with air, meaning she had been born alive, according to the Department of Health.
Bemærk, at jeg ikke bebrejder den 18-årige mor noget. Hun tog den tunge beslutning, at hun var for ung til at opfostre et barn på en forsvarlig måde. Det er den iskolde behandling af fosteret, der er så hårrejsende.
Man hører ustandseligt venstrefløjen herhjemme tale om de religiøse galninge i USA, der protester mod "den frie abort." Men en fri abort i USA er væsenforskellig fra en abort i Danmark. I Amerika er en abort en abort, og moderen kan i princippet få den foretaget dagen før terminen.
Takket være den "religiøse galning," George Bush, er én af de mest uhyrlige abortformer idag blevet forbudt, nemlig den såkaldte
partial birth abortion. Her lidt fra ovenstående link:
Usually, preliminary procedures are performed over a period of two to three days, to gradually dilate the cervix using laminaria tents (sticks of seaweed which absorb fluid and swell). Sometimes drugs such as synthetic pitocin are used to induce labor. Once the cervix is sufficiently dilated, the doctor uses an ultrasound and forceps to grasp the fetus' leg. The fetus is turned to a breech position, if necessary, and the doctor pulls one or both legs out of the birth canal, causing what is referred to by some people as the 'partial birth' of the fetus. The doctor subsequently extracts the rest of the fetus, usually without the aid of forceps, leaving only the head still inside the birth canal. An incision is made at the base of the skull, scissors are inserted into the incision and opened to widen the opening,[9] and then a suction catheter is inserted into the opening. The brain is suctioned out, which causes the skull to collapse and allows the fetus to pass more easily through the birth canal.
Tak for kaffe! Fremfor at noget sådant skulle overgå mit barn ville jeg personligt hellere være enlig far.
(H/T: Hot Air).