En gruppe, som kalder sig selv for "Muslimer for Fred" stod bag aktionen, hvor de blandt andet afbrændte Dannebrog og billeder af Fogh og Kurt Westergaard.
I en helt fantastisk udtalelse siger gruppens talsmand i følge den thailandske avis The Nation:
"We should do something more violent than just protest, but today we are keeping it peaceful," said Suloh Salaimad, a member of the Muslim Group for Peace.
Hvem har sagt, at muslimer ikke ejer ironi?
1 kommentar:
This is actually a mis concept about Islam due to some of the so called terrorists not so confidently follows Islam.I am an Christian and have had an research on Islam and its culture.I live in India with my Muslim Brothers who always help me in my research work if necessary.The reason for such unkind messages related to Islam is that Media i.e., Newspapers,Tv News,magazines,....etc. pick out some black sheep of
community and represent them as the face of religion in fact you should ask us about how these Muslim brothers live peacefully and maintain a humanitarian relationship with the other communities.I being a religious person have read the Holy Bible and found many similarities with the Holy book of Muslims including the messages of Jesus Christ.My name is John Fernandes,56.And i Kindly request our Christian brothers to stop sending such unkind messages about any community as Lord said to spread Peace and behave peacefully with mankind{Bible 12:19}.Hope my message turns your hearts towards light of Holy Cross.Hallelujah Amen
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