lørdag, april 21

Anti-Dhimmi i USA

Der kan man bare se. Selv i Den Politiske Korrektheds hjemland har PC nået en grænse. En studerende, der sidste ønskede at vise dokumentaren ObsessionPace University i New York, men som blev nægtet dette af ledelsen efter protester fra muslimske studerende, har ikke alene fået tilladelse til at vise filmen, han har også fået en undskyldning fra ledelsen. Hændelsen har også givet genlyd over store dele af USA og har fået mange uddannelsessteder til at udråbe 19. april til Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day!

Fra FrontPageMagazine:
Last fall, Pace University student Michael Abdurakhmanov tried to hold a screening of Obsession, a documentary about radical Islam, on his campus. Hoping to show that Islam is home to moderates as well as extremists, and that it is important to distinguish between the two camps, he unexpectedly found himself beset by opposition. Muslim students angrily rejected the idea. University administrators took an even harder line, with the school’s dean ominously warning Abdurakhmanov that showing the film could be considered a “hate crime,” and intimating, less than subtly, that police might be invited to sift through his personal record.

Now Abdurakhmanov has received restitution in a big way. Not only has Pace president David Caputo tendered a personal apology to Abdurakhmanov for the school’s strong-arm tactics, but yesterday marked the first-ever “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day,” a nationwide effort to call attention to the threat of militant Islam by holding a mass-screening of the film that Abdurakhmanov’s school, quite literally, didn’t want him to see: Obsession. In total, 96 colleges and universities, among them Pace University, Columbia, Duke, and other prominent schools, together with three high schools and two military bases, showed the film, which was sponsored by the Terrorism Awareness Project, a new program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Naturligvis blev fremvisningen mødt af muslimske protester, hvad filmpublikummet dog tog ganske afslappet:
As it turned out, the event went off flawlessly, with the sole sign of trouble coming when a handful of Muslim of students, only one of whom had actually watched Obsession, rudely interrupted a post-film discussion. “They said that the film was geared towards Jews who are more Zionist oriented,” Abdurakhmanov said. “But some of their comments began to loose their worth, because it was clear to most in the audience that they hadn’t seen the film and were just expressing their personal views about what people should or should not watch.”
Der er stadig håb!

En 12-minuters trailer af Obsession kan ses her, en torrent til hele filmen kan bl.a. findes her.

1 kommentar:

AnnaLyttiger sagde ...

Jeg har linket til torrent'en på min side (med behørig tak til dig), og er netop ved at hente den ned.

Den burde være obligatorisk i landets gymnasier.