tirsdag, april 17

Den oplyste religion

Rygtet løber i Pakistan om en dødbringende virus, der spredes gennem mobiltelefonen! Rygterne er bl.a. blevet viderekolporteret af veluddannede mullah'er i moskeerne. Telefonselskaberne bliver oversvømmet med henvendelser fra bekymrede kunder.

Daily Times:

KARACHI: Rumours of a deadly virus being transmitted by via mobile phones have caused some mosques in the country’s biggest city, Karachi, to announce that people are dying of a mobile virus and that they should be wary of God’s wrath. Mobile service providers in Pakistan have been inundated by calls from subscribers worried by a message that they could die of a deadly virus being transmitted via their phones, reports Reuters.
Nu ville man tro, at et sådant rygte uden videre ville blive manet i jorden, men det skam taget alvorligt:
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and cellular phone service providers clarified that no virus that could cause damage to the human body had been transmitted through mobile phones anywhere in the country. In Lahore, Jinnah Hospital doctors confirmed that a deadly virus could not be transmitted through cell phones. Rumours of deaths because of these calls have also been making rounds across the country. The PTA said that computer viruses affected only software, not human beings and that no deaths could occur from these calls. Cell phone service providers stated that there was no scientific proof of such claims of deaths through calls. “There is no proof of a virus that can harm the human body after a person receives a call,” they said.
Imens må lægerne bruge de sparsomme resurser på hypokondere, der er overbeviste om, at de blevet terminalt smittet:
Meanwhile, in Lahore, Jinnah Hospital doctors treated two patients claiming to be infected by the “deadly phone virus” after listening to phone calls on their cell phones. The patients said that they needed immediate medical attention. Tariq, one of the patients, said, “While talking to a relative, I couldn’t hear anything for a few moments. I think I’m infected with the mobile phone virus.” The doctor who treated him said they had found no signs of any thing wrong with him.
Nu venter vi så blot på en fatwa, der bekendtgør, at denne virus, der på forunderligste vis smitter gennem telefonnettet er blevet gensplejset af CIA for at skade De Troende.

A propos, så tegner næste generation af mobiltelefoner sig ganske lovende:

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