tirsdag, april 15

Global opvarming vil føre til mord på hekse

Det er ikke småting Den Globale Opvarmning™ efterhånden vil få på samvittigheden. I New York Times skriver Nicolas D. Cristof således at varmen vil øge antallet af mord på hekse i Afrika.
Here’s a forecast for a particularly bizarre consequence of climate change: more executions of witches.

In rural Tanzania, murders of elderly women accused of witchcraft are a very common form of homicide. And when Tanzania suffers unusual rainfall — either drought or flooding — witch-killings double, according to research by Edward Miguel, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley.

“In bad years, the killings explode,” Professor Miguel said. He believes that if climate change causes more drought years in Tanzania, the result will be more elderly women executed there and in other poor countries that still commonly attack supposed witches.

Som bevis på sin påstand bruger Cristof endnu en økonom:
There is evidence that European witch-burnings in past centuries may also have resulted from climate variations and the resulting crop failures, economic distress and search for scapegoats. Emily Oster, a University of Chicago economist, tracked witchcraft trials and weather in Western Europe between 1520 and 1770 and found a close correlation: colder weather led to more crackdowns on witches.

In particular, Europe’s “little ice age” led to a sharp cooling in the late 1500s, and that corresponds to a renewal in witchcraft trials after a long lull. And there’s also micro-evidence: in one area, a brutally cold May in 1626 led outraged peasants to call for punishment of witches thought responsible.

Den lille istid, I ved den, der sluttede da en global opvarmning satte ind, utvivlsomt på grund af røgen fra alle de hekseafbrændinger.

(via Ace of Spades)

Må jeg i have lov til at anbefale denne forrygende liste over kommende og igangværende katastrofer forårsaget af vores ulyksalige hang til at holde varmen og køre i bil på arbejde .

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