A JUDGE has allowed a 12-year-old Victorian girl to start a taxpayer-funded sex swap, despite objections from the child's father.
The girl has begun court-approved hormone treatment in the first step toward a complete gender switch.
The Family Court orders also permit the girl, who cannot be named, to apply for a new birth certificate, passport and Medicare card in a boy's name.
The application to allow the hormone treatment was lodged by the girl's mother.
Only her father, who lives interstate, opposed the proposed sex change (...) The mother expressed sadness and deep concern for her daughter, but said she would stand by the girl.
The child's lawyer told the court she considered the girl capable of making an informed decision.
The girl is one of the youngest patients in Australia granted permission to begin a sex swap.
Én af de yngste? Shees, hvor ung er så ikke den yngste?
Den 12-årige pige får nu hormonbehandling, der skal forhindre hende i at få menstruation og samtidig få hendes hofter og bryster til at holde op med at vokse, ligesom hendes hårvækst vil udvikle sig som en drengs.
12 år! For ung til at købe alkohol og tobak, for ung til at stemme, for ung til at køre så meget som en knallert, men åbenbart moden nok til selv at bestemme sit eget køn.
Og have rettens ord for det.
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