søndag, maj 4

Kvinder, ønsker I verdensfred? Sut den af på Jeres mand!

Ja, undskyld den noget grove rubrik, men...

Den australske venstrefløjser Bob Ellis klummer på Australiens svar på DR, ABC. Han bryder sig åbentlyst ikke om Hillary Clinton, som han ser som en ren harpy:
Her towering frigidity, blazing hubris, bellowing mendacity, varying accent from region to region, her high school-standard acting and ceaseless haughty impersonation of Debbie Reynolds in The Unsinkable Molly Brown have got me properly simmering, and her confident thick-witted fist-in-the-face oratory
She is a stranger to consistency, sincerity and (at a guess) oral sex.

Da én af hans kommentatorer protesterede mod denne sexisme var hans svar:
I wouldn't normally have raised this aspect of her private life but Hillary's failure to 'keep the dog on the porch', as the famous Arkansas phrase puts it, had this not then caused, or partly caused Monica, the impeachment, Karl Rove's 'morality politics', Gore's loss, Bush's win and, by global warming, the end of the world; like the length of Cleopatra's nose it's been, as it turns out, a big factor in everything that followed including a million deaths in Iraq and therefore probably worth noting by historians like me.
Oj, sandelig mange ting at stå til ansvar for, lige fra Den Globale Opvarmning™, over hele to valgsejre til George Bush og videre til "en million" døde i Irak, altsammen fordi Hillary ikke kunne finde ud af af lave et ordentligt blowjob på sin mand!

For at citere de udødelige ord fra Mark Steyn:
Amazing. The mouth that launched a million deaths. Bill was denied, people died.
(Via Tim Blair.)

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