søndag, juni 25

Søvndal taler igen mod bedre vidende


UPDATE: Jeg har ændret overskriften lidt, da den oprindelige måske lænede sig lovligt meget op ad en æreskrænkelse.
Denne blogs politik er, at teksterne nok kan være sarkastiske, men ikke perfide. Hån, spot og latterliggørelse er helt i sin orden, det er injurier ikke.

Så er Villy Søvndal i gang igen. Hans frustation over at være aldeles uden indflydelse på noget som helst går nok engang ud over George Bush, denne gang i et interview i Berlingske Tidende i dag. (via Angantyr)

»Nej, der hvor jeg bliver bekymret, det er, når det kommer til en person som den amerikanske præsident George W. Bush, hvor Gud taler til ham og siger »George, nu skal du gå i krig i Afghanistan«, og det gør han så, og »George, nu skal du smide tyrannen ud i Irak«, og det gør han så. Det er for mig at se religiøs fanatisme, det er misbrug af religionen.

Villy viderebringer her en påstand formidlet af BBC i oktober sidste år, hvor den palæstinensiske "udenrigsminister", Nabil Shaath, påstod, at George Bush havde sagt, at han havde en direkte linie til Gud.

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"
Svaret fra det hvide hus kom omgående. Ved pressebriefingen kaldte præsidentens talsmand, Scott McClellan, påstanden for absurd (nederst på siden):

Q Have you ever heard the President say that God told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and --

MR. McCLELLAN: No, and I've been in many meetings with him and never heard such a thing.

Q Are you aware of the -- there's a BBC broadcast tonight that's quoting the Palestinian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister as saying that they were in a meeting with the President in June of '03, and there are some very detailed quotes here, saying that the President said to them, "God told me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan,' and I did," and then "God told me, 'George go and end the tyranny in the Iraq'" and so forth and so on?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, that's absurd. He's never made such comments.

Q Were you in the meeting when that took place?

MR. McCLELLAN: I've been in meetings with him with President Abbas; I didn't travel on that trip, if you're talking about to Jordan. But I've been in many meetings with the President with world leaders where he's talked about this.

Q So you don't know about the June '03 meeting?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I checked into that report and I stand by what I just said.

BBC bragte en slags dementi af deres historie næste dag!

Så Villy Søvndal taler (igen) mod bedre vidende. En mulig forklaring på det ret beset bizare Bush-citat kan læses på denne blog:

Before you jump to any conclusions, remember that you are reading a translation of a translation of a translation. Mahmoud Abas does not speak English. Bush does not speak Arabic. If Bush said these words, or something like them, Abas heard them from a translator. Then Abas repeated them, as he remembered them a couple of weeks later, in Arabic. Some unknown person wrote down what he thought he heard Abas say. Then Regular, or someone at Ha'aretz, translated them back into English-or perhaps first into Hebrew and then into English.
Og lige for god ordens skyld, så taler vi ikke om en højresnoet, republikansk cowboy-blog, hvilket allerede næste afsnit viser:

Clearly, we don't yet know what Bush said, or why. Just as clearly, the man has some explaining to do. And whatever the truth of the matter, he has serious problems.

Men Villy Søvndal kan simpelthen ikke modstå fristelsen til at køre løs med sin rutinemæssige Bush-Bashing.

Under den amerikanske borgerkrig blev Admiral Farragur berømt for sit kampråb: "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"

Søvndals motto synes at være: "Damn the truth! Full speed ahead!"

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